we provide genuine home based data entry & form filling jobs.
for students, house wife's, and employed peoples
you can work part time or full time.
salary: rs.9, 000-/ to 18,000/- per month.
only simple typing work,
qualification : sslc and above with basic computer knowledge
age : above 18 years
work details:
we provide you scanned image files in pdf/jpeg/gif format
which you have to type it in to ms word.
no. of pages provided - duration
130 - 15days
160 - 15days
benefits of this work:
1. you can work either part time or full time.
2. you can work from your home, office or internet café at your free time.
3. you can work from any location
4. on time salary.
5. payment through cash, cheque or account transfer (neft)
6. training provided.