areyou looking for a job that gives you the opportunity to work with one ofamerica’s top 100 most trusted companies while also growing your income fromthe comfort of your home? then why notjoin lionbridge as a part-time independent contractor. we are recruitingimmediately for the role of ads assessor in india.
what does the job involve?
by reviewingthe content of internet search results you will play a part in improving thequality of one of the largest search engines in the world and in doing so youwill make a really valuable contribution to the relevance of internet searchresults in india. in this job you will have the flexibility to choose your ownhours to suit your lifestyle. hours for this role are a minimum of 10, maximumof 20 hours per week depending on availability.
who is suitable for this job?
we are looking for dynamicpeople who have strong communication skills and use the internet daily. youshould also be flexible, reliable and have the ability to interpret and followestablished guidelines.
what are the main requirements for the job?
you must be living in india for thelast 5 consecutive years
you must have familiarity with currentand historical business, media, sport, news, social media and cultural affairsin india
fluency in english
work from home office environment
pc with windows 7, 8 or 8.1. apple osor older versions of windows are not acceptable
high speed internet connection.minimum upload speed of 1mpbs
what’s next (option 1)
email us for full details on this role. we will helpyou through the recruitment process and suitable candidates will go forward toour qualification process.
what’s next?
apply online to:
and a member of ourrecruitment team will quickly review your application.