as the dealer and supplier for pvc strip curtains,we kallerians 9841403938 feel very much proud and happy.because we as a dealer have been in the market since 1994 handling this kind of product and this kind of we are in a position to know the need and nessacity of the market and so we are very much able to satisfy our customers. we serve into the field of it industries, cold storages, hotel industries, food processing industries, meat processing industries, fisheries, pickle manufacturing industries, commercial malls, theatres, hospitals, chemical industries, pharmaceutical industries, gherkins plants, pulp manufacturing industry, agriculture, articulture, bio-technology, water plant, milk dairies, air conditioned halls, marriage halls, auditoriums, ice factory, ice cream manufacturing plant, flour mills, fragrance manufacturing plant, warehousing, electronic industries, automobile industries, restaurants, bakeries, sweet stalls, meat shop, and where ever hygiene is our motto.