“valuing your knowledge and opinionsâ€
type: work from home, temporary, part-time,independent contractor, smartphone required
as an englishsocial media internet assessor your ultimate goal will be to contribute towardsmaking internet search more exciting, relevant and interesting for all english speakersin india. you will play a part inimproving the quality of one of the largest search engines in the world, usingboth your desktop pc & specific smartphone.
the internethas now become the powerhouse of all information, everything you need to findor explore can be found on the internet, yet how can we be sure thisinformation is entirely up to date or relevant?
this is whereyou can contribute!
we arelooking for creative thinkers who enjoy browsing the internet and would like toexpress their opinion on the quality and content of what is currently out thereon the web. you will be provided withguidelines and scoring criteria on how best to evaluate an internet searchresult.
we are currently seeking people who have astrong interest in social media, specifically those who are an active dailyuser of their gmail and google+ account. we also require suitable candidates to own & use a smartphone –android or iphone and have a familiarity with other forms of social media andgoogle products.
you willhave the flexibility and freedom to work from your own home, working your ownhours, depending on availability of tasks (10-20 hours per week). payment will be based on completion of the agreed upon tasks orengagements within the specified time period.
this is a freelance, independentcontractor position
preferred level of education/certification -bachelor’s degree (or equivalent)
active daily user of gmail, google+ and other forms of social mediaincluding twitter
familiarity with other google products
access toand use of a broadband internet connection and associated computer and softwareto perform the work, all provided at your own expense
require accessto and use of a smartphone device (android version 4.1 or higher or iphoneversion 4s or higher only) to complete certain tasks
a barcodescanner application must be installed on your smartphone to completecertain tasks
experiencein use of web browsers to navigate and interact with a variety of content
time managementskills
proficient withmicrosoft office applications
for culturaland historical awareness purposes you must be resident in india for thelast 5 consecutive years.
whatwe offer:
a break from the traditional 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. office job!
part time 10 - 20 hours per week
flexible schedule
ability to work from home
to apply:
please provide us with the followinginformation in your online application:
full name
residential address including postalcode (no po boxes).
telephone number
five full years of educational /employment experience
please ensure you also attach yourresume to your application
please copy andpaste the following link into your browser to complete and submit yourapplication:
if you experienceany technical issues when you are submitting your application please contactthe following email address: in.raters.bal@lionbridge.com
this is an excitingopportunity so don’t miss out.
like us on facebook & follow us on twitter