mobile: 09886789678/ 080-41530751
hi all,
we have sun m4000 server rental and sale
the sparcenterprise m4000 server delivers main frame
class reliability, availability, and serviceability.
investment protection, scalability, reliability,and flexibility
with the sparc enterprise m4000servers, you can protect your it investment with no
forklift upgrades and scale out asneeded. the option to mix and match different
speeds/generations of sparc64processors in existing and new m series servers uniquely
protects investments and enableseasy and low
cost upgrades not offered by ibm orhp.
in addition, mainframe class rasfeatures come standar
d in the sparc enterprise m4000
server, including automatic recoverywith instruction retry, up to 256 gb of system memory error
correcting code (ecc) protectionwith extended ecc support, guaranteed data path
integrity, total sram and registerprotection, and configurable memory mirroring. in
addition, the disks, power supply,and fans are redundant and hot
sparc enterprise m4000 serverspecifications
up to four sparc64 vii/vii+ qua-
core processors or dual
core sparc64 vi
currently available
sparc64 vii+
sparc64 vi
also supported
sparc64 vii
sparc v9 architecture, ecc protected
cache per sparc64
level 1
sparc64 vii+: 64 kb d
cache and 64 kb i cache
sparc64 vii: 64 kb d cache and 64 kbi
cache sparc64 vi: 128 kb d
cache and 128 kb i
cache cache per sparc64
level 2
sparc64 vii+ 2.66ghz: 11 mb on chip
sparc64 vii 2.53ghz: 5.5 mb on chip
sparc64 vi 2.15ghz: 5 mb on chip
clock speed
sparc64 vii+: 2.66 ghz
sparc64 vii: 2.53 ghz
sparc64 vi: 2.15 ghz
for more details, contact us:
mobile: 09886789678/080-41530751
# 32,2nd main, 7th cross,muniyappa layout,
garebhavi palya,
bangalore-560 068.india