mobile: 09886789678/080-41530751
hi all,
we have sun enterprise t-4server rental andsale
c supercluster t4-4
4 x eight-core sparc t4 processors (3.0ghz) 1 tb memory 6 x 600 gb 10,000 rpm sas-2 disks
2 x 300 gb solid state disks 4 x dual-port infiniband qdr 4 x dual-port 10 gb ethernet
exadatastorage server x2-2 3 6
eachexadata storage server is configured with:
either 12 x 600 gb 15,000 rpm high performancesas disks or 12 x 3tb 7,200 rpm high capacity sas disks 12 cpu cores for sql processing 384 gb exadata smart flash cache
sparcsupercluster t4-4 with high
performancesas disks
upto 5 gb/sec of uncompressed disk bandwidth1 up to 16 gb/sec of uncompressedflash
upto10 gb/sec of uncompressed disk bandwidth1 up to 32 gb/sec of uncompressedflash data
oracledata sheet
upto 10,800 database disk iops2 up to 500,000 database flash iops2
21tb of raw data disk capacity3 up to 9.5 tb of uncompressed usable capacity4 bandwidth1
upto 21,600 database disk iops2 up to 1,000,000 database flash iops2 43 tb of rawdata disk capacity3 up to 19 tb of uncompressed usable capacity4
sparcsupercluster t4-4 with high
capacitysas disks
upto 3 gb/sec of uncompressed disk bandwidth1
upto 14.5 gb/sec of uncompressed flash data bandwidth1
upto 6,000 database disk iops2 up to 500,000 database flash iops2
108tb of raw data disk capacity3 up to 48 tb of uncompressed usable capacity4
upto 7 gb/sec of uncompressed disk bandwidth1
upto 29 gb/sec of uncompressed flash data bandwidth1
upto 12,000 database disk iops2 up to 1,000,000 database flash iops2
216tb of raw data disk capacity3 up to 96 tb of uncompressed usablecapacity4
1bandwidth is peak physical scan bandwidth achieved running sql, assuming nodata compression. effective data bandwidth is higher when compression is used.
2based on read io requests of size 8k running sql. note that the io size greatlyaffects flash iops. others quote iops based on 2k, 4k or smaller ios and are not relevant for databases.
3for raw capacity, 1 gb = 1 billion bytes. capacity calculated using normalspace terminology of 1 tb = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes. actual formatted capacity isless.
4actual space available for a database after mirroring (asm normal redundancy)while also providing adequate space (one disk on half racks and two disks on afull rack) to reestablish the mirroring protection after a disk failure.
for more details, contact us:
mobile: 09886789678/080-41530751
# 32,2nd main, 7th cross,muniyappa layout,
garebhavi palya,
bangalore-560 068.india