nutrilite black cohosh and soy:
benefits of black cohosh as under.
+black cohosh is an herb. the root of this herb is usedfor medicinal purposes.
+black cohosh became a popular treatment for women’shealth issues.
+people used black cohosh for other skinconditions such as acne, wart removal, and even the removal of moles, but thisis seldom done anymore.
+nutrilite black cohosh and soy is a healthyway to support your body during menopause.
+the juice of the plant was used as an insectrepellent and was made into a salve and applied to snake bites.
+although rare, allergic reactions to blackcohosh may occur. stop taking black cohosh and seek emergency medical attentionif you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction including difficultybreathing, closing of your throat; swelling of your tips.
+wants to minimize sleep disturbance andrestore sleep during menopause.
+wants to alleviate muscular aches and painsduring menopause.
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